
We partner with leading physician practices, creating a cohesive, quality-oriented clinical culture and facilitating best practice sharing across the platform.
Our affiliated practices gain access to a wide array of services, providing a meaningful benefit to both physicians and patients. Focusing initially on the Western United States, Unio will continue to build a platform with a significant value proposition for all stakeholders.
Research Centers


Partnering with Unio Health Partners allows your practice to leverage our expertise in operations, technology, and management to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes without sacrificing autonomy.
Yes, our team stays current on healthcare regulations and ensures that your practice not only meets but exceeds compliance standards to minimize risks and enhance patient care quality.
We provide state-of-the-art technology solutions including Electronic Health Records (EHR) integration, telehealth platforms, and advanced data analytics to streamline operations and improve service delivery. We also offer a modern, attractive and efficient website that is streamlined to boost your organic traffic and patient conversions.
We implement strategies to streamline appointment scheduling, reduce wait times, and enhance overall patient interactions through training and support in customer service excellence.
No, our partnership model is designed to support your practice’s growth while maintaining your clinical autonomy. We handle administrative and operational tasks so you can focus on patient care.

We Have Partnered with a Variety of Organizations

What our Partners Say

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John Doe

Value Creation for Partners

Radiation Oncology Centers

The Unio management team has deep roots in radiation oncology (Vantage Oncology) and will lead the expansion of radiation oncology throughout the Unio network.

Centralized Pathology Lab

Unio's centralized lab generates efficiencies and outstanding service while providing a wide array of testing with investments being made into new technology (e.g., genomic testing).

In-Office Dispensing and Infusion Services

Unio partners have the opportunity to introduce or expand in-office dispensing and infusion services, improving patient care and access and creating value in their practices.

Clinical Trials and Clinical Research

Unio has long standing experience in clinical trials and clinical research with multiple publications in peer reviewed journals and an opportunity to grow and expand across a broader network.

Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Unio has developed an alliance with a market-leading ASC management company, expanding opportunities for our partners to benefit from ASC ownership.

Chronic Care Management

Unio’s Chronic Care Management program elevates patient care, controls healthcare costs and creates new growth opportunities for Unio partners.

“Unio Health Partners is a unique opportunity for physicians to join a growing platform that offers clinical autonomy and value-added support in a physician-friendly structure. Our partners are positioned to grow their practices and improve quality and profitability while maintaining control over their destinies.”

Ed Cohen, MD - President, Unio Health Partners & President, Genesis Healthcare PC